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How do YOU “do it all”?

How do you do it all? | lisa
How do you do it all? | lisa
Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash
Hey fellow mamas: How do you “do it all“?

I say that with some sarcasm, because I think having/doing it all is a myth. Or at least, a myth in that one physically can’t, without the help of others.

Outsourcing. Do you do it?

Is it a regular cleaning service? Meal kits or groceries delivered to your home? A work wardrobe subscription like Stitch Fix or Rent the Runway? Do you take all your laundry to a wash & fold on your way to work? Do you have a nanny or mother’s helper?

Do let me know. I’m almost 6 years into this working-motherhood gig & I still struggle with trying to do ALL. THE. THINGS.

How do you do it all? | lisa